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Wild Child
Neapolitan Mastiff
AKC Champion
CH Wild Child Alaska -
the best dog alive
Copyright © 2004-2012 Wild Child Neapolitan Mastiff Kennel. All Rights Reserved.
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AKC Breed N 152. Neapolitan Mastiff Breed Standard. Working group (Approved January 13, 2004 Effective: May 1, 2004)
Gait: The Neapolitan Mastiff`s movement is not flashy, but rather slow and lumbering. Normal gaits are the walk, trot, gallop, and pace. The strides are long and elastic, at the same time, powerful, characterized by a long push from the hindquarters and extension of the forelegs. Rolling motion and swaying of the body at all gaits is characteristic. Pacing in the show ring is not to be penalized. Slight paddling movement of the front feet is normal. The head is carried level with or slightly above the back.
Bred Neapolitan Mastiff AKC Champion CH Wild Child Alaska is number 1 Neapolitan Mastiff female in the country (2008 breed points);
Multiple Best of Breed Winner,
TOP 25 Neapolitan Mastiff Eukanuba as of January 2008- January 2009,
TOP 10 AKC Neapolitan Mastiff 2008 list;
has received the AKC Official Award -
Top Brood Neapolitan Mastiff female dog,
AKC Award of Merit for the most Neo offspring- dogs reproduced accomplished AKC Champion titles.
Her Daughter AKC Champion
CH Wild Child Beautiful Bear brought a trophy from the World Dog Show and ATIMANA 2007 (annual World Dog Show for the breed)
Her other daughter
Wild Child Bona Lionessa
hit the record hip and elbow score in the Neapolitan Mastiff breed for all the time.
We are very proud!
Natalia Means