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Mastino Napoletano, standard and neapolitan mastiff breeder thus understand and evaluate this dog neapolitan mastiff breeder, fantastic even the surreal. Neapolitan mastiff breed standard cannot be satisfactorily interpreted through a straight evaluation based on purely standardized measurements of canine conformation. 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The study of the breed standard of the Mastino Napoletano neapolitan mastiff breeder, neapolitan mastiff puppy should provide a means of appreciating in one who has been fortunate enough to uncover its complex and neapolitan mastiff breeder, neapolitan mastiff puppy often contradictory personality. Measurements of a dogs body parts, while necessary, neapolitan mastiff breeders, neapolitan mastiff puppy, can never create a thorough description of a whole breed. 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One would run the risk of examining a dog neapolitan mastiff breeders, neapolitan mastiff puppy, as if it were nothing but a piece of machinery or an animated domestic appliance neapolitan mastiff breeder, neapolitan mastiff puppy. Rather a breed commentary should help breeders neapolitan mastiff, neapolitan mastiff puppy,, judges, and enthusiast to gain an overall picture of the breed by noting neapolitan mastiff breeder, neapolitan mastiff puppy and explaining the individual characteristics, which can be defined as typical of the breed Neapolitan Mastiff, neapolitan mastiff puppies, neapolitan mastiff breeder Alabama, AL, Alaska, AK, Arizona, AZ, Arkansas, AR, California, CA, Colorado, CO, Connecticut, CT, Delaware, DE, Florida, FL, Georgia, GA, Hawaii, HI, Idaho, ID, Illinois, IL, Indiana, IN, Iowa, IA, Kansas, KS, Kentucky, KY, Louisiana, LA, Maine, ME, Maryland, MD, Massachusetts, MA, Michigan, MI, Minnesota, MN, Mississippi, MS, Missouri, MO, Montana, MT, Nebraska, NE, Nevada, NV, New Hampshire, NH
Simba the Lion King   Wild Child  Simba The Lion King
Wild Child
Neapolitan Mastiff
Wild Child Simba The Lion King
e-mail us at  mastinaro@yandex.com
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dog breed neapolitan mastiff male
Click Youtube link to watch Wild Child Simba The Lion King pictured at 2 years old, to watch him at his puppy age, watch video below or click here
Wild Child Simba The Lion King

is exceptional TOP Quality tawny (isabella) coat colored Mastino Napoletano,

outstanding by any means, very special VIP dog with very sweet friendly personality, he loves everyone and everyone loves him back.

Simba has gorgeous huge square block stocky head (and muzzle)
with the correct ear set and wrinkles position;
full denture,
great (correct) body confirmation - athletic, in good tone, muscled body; outrageous bones and massiveness;

strong defined rear angulation,
wonderful feline alike movement,

tawny in color coat a lion-like dog,
he resembles very much his grand sire AKC TOP stud dog awarded
Wild Child Sunkissed Walker ;

his grand sire Wild Child Sunkissed Walker and his great grand sire CH Samson (both have the official award AKC TOP Neapolitan Mastiff Stud Dog);

the background is of the Champions,
Best-in-Show winners, winners of the Big level dog shows (
World, International and AKC Champions).

Simba is multiple AKC BOB (best of breed) winner;
is proven as a good reproducer;
available for stud service to selected approved quality neo females, if interested please
contact us ;

do not forget to include a few pix of your female, KC (kennel club) registration number, etc).

Please make plans prior - before the last second.