Wild Child

Neapolitan Mastiff

Books, magazines, dog equipment and stuff for sale
neapolitan mastiff for sale, neapolitan mastiff puppies
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+1 demo: dog leash leads Neapolitan Mastiff puppies
Very interesting and useful books about dogs

1. Peter Goody Dog Anatomy: A Pictorial approach to Canine Structure, illustrated (paperback, new $37);

3. Two Mastiff books $55 or can be sold separately:

B.Baxster, D. Blaxter "The Complete Mastiff" $40 and

R. Gravel, G. Schaffer "neapolitan Mastiff" $21

4 USNMC (United States Neapolitan Mastiff club) magazines Neogram about Neapolitan Mastiff (Mastino Napoletano) with colored pictures $30, if sold separated $ 11 each
Imported hand braided Leather Stylish Canine Equipment : Dog collars and Dog leads (leashes) in tan, black and brown available

1. True Classic Double-Layered lead, strong long L55'xW1` $35

2.Two tone double layered hand braided (square, volumed) very strong, fancy L 46 -47' x W 1`  2/8' $45

3. Two tone double layered braided (square, volumed, strong L 48' (smaller than #2 above) $35 in black only

4. Long leather lead with decorative braid in the middle L98' $28

5. Long hand braided stylish leash strong L49-50'xW1'  $30

6. Universal lead L 43,5' $15

7. Two-dog coupler L 23'+ $ 25

8. Universal collars (buckled) 14 decorative holes to regulate the size, great for growing puppies L 24' x W 1,5' $20 ( brown left)

9. Leather muzzle for huge breed (like Saints, Newfauland, Neapolitan Mastiff, etc, pre-owned, cheap $ 15 (new starts at $45

NEW Dog show magazine "ShowSight" February 2012,
vol.19, number 7, pages 275, $ 12, many sow dogs photos, illustrations, useful articles, a few articles and pix on Neapolitan Mastiff breed.
E-mail: Mastinaro@yahoo.com
2. Robert A. Kainer, T.O. McCracken Dog Anatomy: A Coloring Atlas (spinal bound, new $45)
To see leads in bigger size, please click on the lead
Covers for the standard wire dog cages in blue and green are for sale $28, easy to in use, easy to wash, great for dog shows, camping, etc. Sizes:
L 48' x W 30' x H 33' inches (700 series crate)
L 42' x W 28' x H 31` inches (500 series cage)
Click on the picture to see in bigger size
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dog cover for crates
dog braided leash for sale
dog equipment
puppy collar
leather dog muzzle for neapolitan mastiff
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leather neapolitan mastiff equipment
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