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  After becoming better acquainted with the Mastino Napoletano, one will more easily understand the breed standard, which may otherwise seem somewhat obscure. It will then be easier to interpret the standard and neapolitan mastiff breeder thus understand and evaluate this dog neapolitan mastiff breeder, whose long evolution has produced characteristics which may seen nonsensical, and which gave it a flavor of the fantastic and even the surreal. I make this observation on the grounds of my conviction that a breed standard cannot be satisfactorily interpreted through a straight evaluation based on purely standardized measurements of canine conformation. One cannot treat the assessment of a dog as one would a mathematical problem; Alabama AL neapolitan mastiff breeder, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, CA, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida FL, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana LA, Maine ME, Maryland MD, Massachusetts, Michigan MI, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada neapolitan mastiff breeder, New Hampshire, New Jersey NJ, New Mexico, New York NY, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina SC, South Dakota, Tennessee TN, Texas TX, Utah, Vermont, Virginia VA, neapolitan mastiff breeder Washington WA, West Virginia, neapolitan mastiff breeder Wisconsin, Wyoming, Canada.
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Wild Child
Neapolitan Mastiff

e-mail us at
615-720-7507 Please text first or email, Nashville TN, USA
We are very happy with our bred absolutely stunning, HUGE athletic, massive, well balanced, muscled, very strong and powerful male; great feline movement, good natured - all in one package male is everything to dream about and what a real mastino should be; he is proven as a great reproducer, see his photos below, to see in bigger size, click on each icon.

Falco is Wild Child Simba`s son; grandson to 3 times World Champion, ATIMANA Winner Remo De Azzurra;

Falco is multiple AKC BOB (best of breed) winner. Long awaited addition, see his pedigree here.
biggest neapolitan mastiff
neomastiff athletic
mastino one of the largest
falco mastino blue
Blue italian mastiff
falco cane mastino
mastino napoletano falco
neapolitan mastiff eyes
neomastiff working quality show
neapolitan mastiff huge
mastino-napoletano massive
akc neapolitan mastiff reproducer falco
akc neapolitan mastiff lion
grey mastiff
aka falcone
11 months old neapolitan mastiff massive
Click on icons to see photos in bigger size