1 There are many confusing stories and slander behind scenes about the Neapolitan Mastiff coat colors and almost all of them are coming from ignorant people who do not have any great stocky dog, have no idea what they are talking about, but trying to put down in a very low way. The person (with the "'Best bloodline and Best dogs") declared:"there are no RARE colors!" and has contradicted herself in the next sentences that they are. There are 4 colors in the Neapolitan Mastiff breed: black, blue, mahogany and tawny. Usually when we say "colored" we refer to mahogany and tawny. Each color can be brindled. Here is what the person has stated, quite unreasonable and not less stupid: "If buying a Tawny or Mahogany, Make sure the parents of the pups are not both Tawny or Mahogany.The pups will have no bone, wrinkle, mass or size. Tawny and Mahogany is a recessive trait, you don't breed two recessive animals". I believe it has to be cleared up to understand clearly what is it all about and why? If there is anything else behind the scenes to make these unpredictable and unreasonable statements. Ignorance is blessed. It looks like a person tries to put down mahogany and tawny in color Neapolitan Mastiff dogs (only because does not have any), BUT cannot provide any facts and does not know anything about it, and the motivation is jealousy and hatred only. Lets see: Blue Neapolitan Mastiff dogs have 2 color genotypes BBdd and Bbdd, Mahogany Neapolitan Mastiff dogs have also only 2 genotypes bbDD and bbDd; and both colors (blue and mahogany) are recessive to black ! It it a red flag to realize that the person is not qualified to make statements, does not have a clue and did not figure out yet anything about the Neapolitan Mastiff colors and everything else, being 2 days in the breed? Well, according to the statements breeding blue Neapolitan Mastiff to another blue Neapolitan Mastiff is as much recessive as mahogany Neapolitan Mastiff to another mahogany Neapolitan Mastiff and has the same effect? Interesting, isn`t it? Why would a person with THAT KIND of knowledge breed herself 2 blue Neapolitan Mastiff dogs if states "you do not breed 2 recessive animals"? No facts or proof provided just "barefoot" ignorant statements, counting for brainless people to buy it. ASK for the proof and will have FUN if you`ll get a respond. It is so clear and obvious the reason of diminishing tawny Neapolitan Mastiff dogs and mahogony, because is incapable to compete with her own "best dogs out of the best bloodlines", |
2 therefore to be on the surface somehow and promote her reproduction, to sell what is in hands - is the only way... though should admit that is the very low way to compete and promote herself. I do not know how much jealous person could be that each made statement shows absence of any knowledge or facts; trying to link to forums, where actually anyone with a brain in a head can read and understand that no one who really knows something has made any loud statement and it is discussions where each gives his IMHO. Besides, what kind of opinion someone can provide if has never had a mastino yet, or do not have any Neapolitan Mastiff in color, and of course has never bred them? Well, that clears more - when you know something, you do not stout your opinion, you do not make loud ignorant statements, you DO spend time for research and study, and not announcing your ignorance to the universe just to satisfy anger and hatred. Here is a tip why. When you have some experience with the Neapolitan Mastiff breed and understand what and how, then you know on your own - you will not state 100% about anything. Forums are good to read, learn and understand, pull out the useful info (not everything what some dummies say just to be noticed and get a score)... but if you cannot read and have no ability to understand - nobody can help you. There are the same people on all forums who are on the front line KNOWing NOTHING but are so eager to "educate" anothers, but indeed have proven in each quote made that they are incapable to read and correctly interpret even the Neapolitan Mastiff breed standard, written books and other people quotes, but hey, they are out there to "educate!" I believe many forums "chewed up" about Neapolitan Mastiff colors for many years and there is an information that color HAS NOTHING to do with the bones, mass, size and wrinkles! But i guess the "wanna-be" missed it. Well, if a blond woman has 2 kids one is from a brunette and one is from a blond (red), then can we state that a kid from the brunette will be more brachimorphic, better body build with bigger bones? And it is clear that - NO ! (If rely on hair color only !) They will be what their genetical background provides ! Plus if you breed 2 blue Neapolitan Mastiff dogs which are recessive to black, they suppose to have no wrinkles, no mass, no bone or size according to "Wanna-be-Smart" person`s statement? If there was a difference according to the color types, then the Neapolitan Mastiff breed would be judged by the colors as it is known in some other breeds, for example in spaniels. |
3 The genetics is very interesting, and many things are not studied yet properly; even scientists and researchers are very careful with any statement to be made, but when you have an empty head, it is always easy to make loud and ignorant statements about everything. As far as known - each gene stands for something and carries the specific code (information). Some genes are recessive to anothers and if both parents have recessive gene of a congenial problem some offspings might show it, cary and inherit further. It is the case when it is dangerous to breed 2 recessive carriers and that is why you have to know bloodlines you are working with, but has nothing to do with the color. That statement about "you do not breed 2 recessive animals" could be referred when we talk about genetical problems, not about colors ! More likely a person "has heard the sound but did not understand where it was coming from..." And recessive genes in this case (genetical problems) are about ALL 4 colors. For those microchiped "i know it all, being in the breed for 2 days" i would say: in many cases black to black is much more regret ! Another interesting statement with no facts and it is commonly already to contradict herself in almost next sentence: 1) "You get the color you breed for" 2)"...you get good colored from uncolored dogs!" Don`t these 2 quotes contradict each other? So how is it possible according to the statement to get "a color you breed for" getting a "good colored from uncolored"? Is it a double personality, where one writes 1 sentence and another - next; or hatred and jealousy motivate it? Offsprings look like parents in many cases, if you breed 2 black labrador-looking Neapolitan Mastiff dogs you will have labrador-looking offsprings (puppies), the same with another colors. Even if you breed 2 great looking Neapolitan Mastiff dogs of any color but their bloodlines do not fit, you might end up with the very plain looking dogs, and it is well known and proven in the Neapolitan Mastiff breed, that sometimes very titled beautiful mastini dogs turned out to be very poor reproducers. That is why you need to study bloodlines and know how they might shoot with a particular bloodline. I will be short on this one for now. There is the Scientific tab on Neapolitan Mastiff breed coat colors below to see as a fact the possibilities of tawny mastino to show up. |
4 A few examples: breeding straight to tawny partner: Only one black Neapolitan Mastiff genotype (out of 4) is capable to reproduce tawny Neapolitan mastiff, but % is small and if the tab shows 25%, we know black is dominant to tawny and it does not mean that from a litter of 12 puppies you will get 25 % of tawny, you could get 1 or none. All rest 3 black genotypes will not throw tawny even with a tawny partner! Mahogany (only 1 type from 2) directly from tawny can reproduce tawny, but again % of posibilities for tawny to show up is not big. Blue (only 1 from 2 genotypes) directly from tawny can reproduce tawny, 25% posibility of tawny and 75% - blue. Only 2 tawny Neapolitan Mastiff dogs can reproduce 100% in tawny color puppies, but such a breeding could be very rare because not many tawny you can find anywhere, because it is recessive to all 3 colors. You do not have to be a Doctor in biology to see the possibility of tawny Neapolitan Mastiff to pop up. That is why when a breeder has tawny Neapolitan Mastiff puppy in the litter, keeps the puppy for himself and we all know that the breeder keeps the BEST and can be considered called RARE! That is why you can go to many shows and did not see a single tawny Neapolitan Mastiff in the ring, because they are rare. As far as facts go tawny color is recessive to all 3 another colors in the breed and it is a very small % of possibility for tawny to show up according to the scientific tab and real life facts, tawny coat is, was and will be considered as RARE ! If tawny color isn`t rare as some say (it means the color is very common), prove it for yourself - go to any dog show (any country or locally), Nationals, Specialties, World Dog Shows and International Shows and see with your own eyes how many of each color appear on the show ground and get your own proof and start doing the statistics, then decide what color is common or rare?! If it is logical to be called rare (if it is not very common) when any other color type is dominant over it? Someone who has never whelped, has never owned, and more to say has never seen in person any colored representative of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed (because did not go to a single local dog show yet), only seen 2-3 dogs on the pictures, being 2-days-in-the-breed, declared herself "DEDICATED", promoting as "is working with the BEST DOGS and BLOODLINES", KNOWING NOTHING on her own should not make any loud statements about anything, and really need to spend a few more days in the breed, doing a homework, researching and reading books. |